Its been 3 months since I moved to Chichijima Island.
I’ve settled here nicely and still discovering new things about the island every day.
My favorite activity recently has been farming.
My house owner has a farm and out of my interest to farming, I started helping their farm work time to time.
In April, I harvested (in hundreds!) their beautifully grown potatoes.
It was a lot of work but it felt great being outside, feeling the soil on my hands on sunny days.
The house owner shared some potatoes to me and they were so delicious.
掘りたてのジャガイモ / Freshly harvested potatoes
The house owner kindly offered me to use a part of their farm land to grow something. So I started!
Tomato, okra, and corn. I bought the seeds at the farm association’s shop. (I also bought coriander seeds and they are growing well in my little balcony.)
I started growing tomato and okra from small pots.
A month after germination, they have grown tall, so today, I have re-planted them on the ground.
左側の茎がふさふさしているのがトマト、右側の大きな葉っぱがあるのがオクラ/ Tomato, with hairy stems, on the left and okra, with large leaves, on the right
The corn seeds went straight to the ground. I was happy to see them germinate!
殺菌済の証であるピンク色に着色された種 / The pink color is the proof that the seeds were sterilized
芽が出た~ / The corn has germinated!
自分が食べているものがどこからきたのか(また、何を含んでいるのかさえ)わからない。農業が自然環境に悪影響を与える?成果物(アウトプット、利益)だけを追求するビジネスモデル。そもそも十分に食べれない人が世の中に8億人いる(https://www1.wfp.org/zero-hunger )。そんな中、先進国で日々捨てられる食物(食品ロス)。
そしてそれは政治、経済、歴史、文化、環境など、すべてにリンクする(現在我々が直面する大きな問題は大体全てにリンクする→https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007ZZ95G8/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 )。
For fertilization, I bought cow manure. Nothing else.
I will try to go visit the farm as frequently as possible to water and see how the plants are doing.
I've started making compost out of my household waste, which I hope I can use to fertilize my farm in the future.
There are so much tips and methods shared on the internet on how to grow crops successfully, but I won’t try to do it perfect for the first time. I want to just try and learn from this whole experience.
I will share how my veggies are doing time to time.
My strong interest toward agriculture has grown since I studied conservation last year for my masters.
We often do not know where our food comes from (and even what is included in it). Is farming bad for the environment? Business models that focus solely on outcome and profit. 8 hundred million people suffer hunger (https://www1.wfp.org/zero-hunger ), while there are so much food wasted in the developed countries.
There are so many issues around food right now.
And they link to wide array of disciplines like politics, economics, history, culture, environment, etc. (Modern-day “wicked problems” all tend to link to these wide array of disciplines→https://www.amazon.com/Tackling-Wicked-Problems-Transdisciplinary-Imagination/dp/B00A4IZ51M)
How can we change the way we interact with food, at an individual level?
I will be looking after my tomato, okra, and corn while thinking about this issue, now that very fortunately, I am living in an environment where I can do my own farming.