モザンビークの日常回想 / Reflection of daily life in Mozambique / by Tomoaki Hashimoto

(Scroll down to read in English)

ナマーシャに流れる川。人々の生活を支える水源となっている / Rivers in Namaacha are important source of water for the locals









川から引いた水をトラックで届けてくれる業者さん / The water delivery service which pumps water from local rivers









よく買い物していたボアネの街。今はどうなっているのか・・・ / The city of Boane where I used to go shopping a lot



Namaacha, a small country-side town that I lived in Mozambique, is a place with an abundance of water.
One of the town's famous sightseeing spot is a waterfall, and Namaacha is also well known from Mozambique's popular bottled water brand, Água da Namaacha.
So when we think about Namaacha, we think about water.

Sadly, however, the household water supply from the government is completely unreliable.
In 2022-23, the supply was still OK, but in 2024 it turned terrible.

First of all, there is no “constant” supply of water.
The water is supplied irregularly with no notice or guarantee.
We receive water, when we receive water.

You might be thinking, “then how do you live day to day?”
Typical houses have large tanks, which stores the water supplied from the municipality.
From that large tank, the water is pumped up to another smaller tank on top of a tower, and from there, it is supplied to the house using gravity.

In good old normal days, the water from the municipality was supplied before the large tank went empty.
The monthly water bill was then charged by the municipality, in fixed price, surprisingly.
What's more, it is a bargain at 280MZN (about 4USD) per month.
No matter how much you use, this is the monthly price.
While the price itself is questionable, the amount of water supplied is not even measured, so the whole system is problematic.

Then, around the middle of 2024, the water supply suddenly stopped completely.
Rumors were that the government was conducting a major maintenance of the infrastructure.
I wondered how, mainly in financial perspective, they managed to do such a large scale maintenance…

When the water supply stops and the tanks become empty, you can't do various washing, including shower.
In Mozambique, just being able to do these things is a luxury (people who don't have the luxury at home go fetch water from a seller or nearby river).

So, what do you do when the water is about to run out?
There are people selling water, and you have no choice but to buy it from them.
The price is around 400MZN for 1000L, and while the municipal water is too cheap, your expenses suddenly increase.
The municipal water is 280MZN per month no matter how much you use…

Who do you buy it from?
The local men/women with a truck loaded with water tanks, who pump water from the river, and deliver water around the town.
Everyone’s buying water, so you find these trucks running around town.
I hope they won’t suck out all the water from the river…

Sometimes the water is murky. Why not, it comes from the river.
Also, there was a frog living in my large water tank.
Every time I checked the tank I saw it swimming the surface.
For me it was funny but maybe for some it isn’t?
I really didn’t think about catching it and just left it there. I wonder if it's still alive.
I didn't drink this water from my tap.
But I did boil it to make pasta and udon.
And I'm all good and fine.

Same as water, the electricity was also unstable.
Same experiences in Tanzania and India, but Mozambique also has frequent, unplanned power cuts.
Namaacha, in particular, has power cuts whenever there is heavy rain or strong winds.
In the worst cases, the power cuts can last for as long as half day.

If you forget to charge your computer, you'll be in trouble,
Wifi routers which requires a power supply has no use, so I used a portable router, which has a battery, even in my house.
Similarly, PlayStation shuts down as soon as the power goes down.
On the other hand, Nintendo Switch has no problem.
In other words, in countries where there are frequent power cuts, high-quality hardware that requires constant power supply, such as expensive routers and PlayStation, are rather inconvenient and battery-powered devices are much useful.

These daily inconveniences had made me stronger.
And whether something is inconvenient or not is a matter of comparison, in my case, with life in Japan, and once you get used to it, it's not a big deal.
I've come to manage and troubleshoot things, such as water and electricity issues, to the best of my ability by myself, which involves understanding how the whole “system” works.
Once you understand the mechanism, you can manage things on your own.
This is important especially because I think everything that happens in your life is your responsibility.

I didn't have this perspective when I was working as a company employee, AKA “salary-man” in Tokyo.
After leaving this job, I lived in the countryside in England, Chichijima, and Mozambique, and while it might had been much more “inconvenient” than living in Tokyo, I think that having the freedom to make my own adjustments and customise things as I see fit gave me the chance to create my own life in a creative way.
There are problems, but I also enjoy the process of overcoming them.
It's like playing an RPG game. Especially my life in Mozambique was really like Dragon Quest (a popular Japanese RPG game title).

Having water and electricity (or gas) supplied normally, and that you can use them to keep yourself warm, cook food, and play games on a big screen, is a tremendous thing.
By realising how miraculous this is, I've been able to experience the richness of life, and even if life becomes a little inconvenient and simple, I’m sure I can still live a “rich” life.
After all, it's not about ”what you have", it's about “how you live”, no matter what the circumstances.
This is the truth in life that I discovered during my life in Mozambique.

Thats all for the reflection.
I want to also touch on the current situation of Mozambique, which I recently heard from my friends there and was honestly quite shocking.

At the end of last month, the highest court in Mozambique finally confirmed the results of the October 2013 election, which was already very late to begin with, and validated the victory of the ruling party.
As I posted before the credibility of the result seems very low, considering all the reports of fraud and corruption.
This confirmation by the court lead to a major escalation of the protests that had already been occurring in Mozambique, turning into violent riots.
In Boane, where I used to go shopping often, the commercial buildings, including supermarkets and petrol stations, were vandalised and looted.
Many foreigners who ran farms and other businesses fled the country, their livestocks and equipments looted.
It is now very difficult to get hold of supplies and prices are soaring.
Even just hearing these stories and imagining the scenes terrify me.
Everyone says to me, “Tomo, you left Mozambique at just the right time, really.”
I feel lucky, with a mixed feelings.

In the midst of all this, I also received some good news.
My former employee in Namaacha told me that he had grown some vegetables!
I had been worried because I hadn't been able to get in touch with him recently, but it seems that he had been working hard to grow vegetables at his new place, with the help of some of our farmer friends.
He even made his own compost.
When he told me “I'm doing it just like we've been doing it”, I was honestly moved.
I am very happy that he is trying to establish the farm business using the experiences we built up together.

I sincerely hope that peace comes back to the daily life in Mozambique soon…