夜の砂浜/Night beach / by Tomoaki Hashimoto

The Ogasawara (Islands) is the biggest breeding ground for green sea turtles in Japan.

At Ogasawara Marine Center, we conduct “night patrols” at Omura Beach, which is the nearest beach from Chichijima town center, during green sea turtle’s nesting season.
In this season, Omura beach is where people and turtles interact. So we ask for people’s cooperation in letting mother turtles to comfortably lay their eggs.
Through the process, we explain the turtle’s ecology and we also show people the actual scene of nesting in a way that does not distract the mother turtle.



産卵が終わり、海に帰るアオウミガメのお母さん/ A mother green sea turtle, walking back towards the sea after nesting

産卵が終わり、海に帰るアオウミガメのお母さん/ A mother green sea turtle, walking back towards the sea after nesting




I love this patrol, because it provides such “live experience.”

The beach gradually turns dark after sunset.
As your eyes get used to the darkness, you suddenly see a dark, round thing around the edge of the water.
In the daytime, there are only humans here. But in the nighttime, it becomes a nesting ground for sea turtles.
It feels strange. It feels as if the world has suddenly changed after sunset.

You witness a mother turtle, which has grown mature for at least 3~40 years and came all the way back to the Ogasawara from her feeding grounds far far away somewhere in the Pacific just for nesting, dragging her massive body weighting around 100 kilos on the beach.

夜の砂浜は別世界。月明かりが明るい夜は特に幻想的 / The night beach feels like a different realm. The moonlight makes it even more magical

夜の砂浜は別世界。月明かりが明るい夜は特に幻想的 / The night beach feels like a different realm. The moonlight makes it even more magical



A mother turtle is super cautious especially when she starts walking up the beach. A moving light or shadow in front of her could scare her away back into the sea.
If that happens repeatedly, she could end up dropping her eggs in the water, which would obviously lead to death of the eggs.
This is a very clear example of human actions directly affecting the breeding of sea turtles.

There are many beaches where sea turtles nest in the Ogasawara, but Omura Beach is one of the biggest nesting grounds (in terms of numbers of nests).
We conduct this patrol in order to support the nesting of turtles through coexistence with people.

産卵行動中のアオウミガメのお母さん/ Mother green sea turtle nesting

産卵行動中のアオウミガメのお母さん/ Mother green sea turtle nesting



We meet various people during the patrol.
In the patrol, we put tags on turtles for identification.
This requires us to touch, put tags, and take photos of the turtle, so we explain the process to the people beforehand.
One time, after I finished putting tags on a turtle and was looking at her going back to the sea, a lady came running up to me.
” I came to the Ogasawara alone, feeling insecure from work and everything. But I couldn’t find anything fun here too. Then I saw you and was moved by the fact that there is a person like you who is working to support the natural world. Thank you so much.”
It was so rewarding.
I prayed for her happy life.

Another turtle may be walking around tonight, at the night beach.

海から上がってきたアオウミガメのお母さん / A mother green sea turtle walking up the beach

海から上がってきたアオウミガメのお母さん / A mother green sea turtle walking up the beach