新たなスタート/A new beginning by Tomoaki Hashimoto


Its been a while since my last post…
I’m often caught up not doing something by my inner-self who is always trying to perform well and be perfect… Knowing that, I will try to share more regularly, at ease, about my daily realizations and inspirations.


So the farm I had updated until my last post has been cleared away after its harvest.
I could only harvest okras.
The tomatoes did not do well in high humidity and the corns were eaten by mice immediately after they bore fruit.
Good lessons learned.
I was very happy with the okras though.
They put a beautiful flower that only blooms in the morning and if you wait too long after they bear fruit, the okra becomes too rigid to eat.
I’m definitely growing okra again next year.

朝にしか見れないオクラの花 / Okra flower only visible in the morning

朝にしか見れないオクラの花 / Okra flower only visible in the morning

豊作!/ Good harvest!

豊作!/ Good harvest!



From now on through winter and spring, I will try to grow tomato, cabbage, Japanese radish, onion, and broccoli.
I’ve purchased the seeds from the internet.
I was surprised to know that there are so many varieties available for each vegetable. Improvement after improvement of crop varieties…


With a new area of land shared by my house owner, I have tilled the soil mixing two kinds of compost, one is purchased and one is my original produced from food waste.
Creating a soft, breathable soil; a fundamental step.
The seeds for radish and onion went straight into the soil, the others in small pots.
The fun begins!

堆肥を混ぜてフカフカに耕した土壌 / Tilled into soft soil, mixing compost

堆肥を混ぜてフカフカに耕した土壌 / Tilled into soft soil, mixing compost


最近気に入っているのがNetflixのChef’s Tableというドキュメンタリーシリーズ。
まだ最初の3話しか見てないけど・・Dan BarberとFrancis Mallmannのエピソードが素晴らしかった。

While my current work is about marine ecosystem, especially sea turtles, I am also strongly interested in the topic of “how we eat/what we eat.”
Recently, I’m into the documentary series, Chef’s Table in Netflix.
I’ve only watched 3 episodes yet… But the episodes of Dan Barber and Francis Mallmann were fantastic.
The two completely different individuals/chefs displayed a truly inspiring way they interact with nature and ingredients and what it means for them to cook and eat.
I recommend you to watch it!

夜の砂浜/Night beach by Tomoaki Hashimoto

The Ogasawara (Islands) is the biggest breeding ground for green sea turtles in Japan.

At Ogasawara Marine Center, we conduct “night patrols” at Omura Beach, which is the nearest beach from Chichijima town center, during green sea turtle’s nesting season.
In this season, Omura beach is where people and turtles interact. So we ask for people’s cooperation in letting mother turtles to comfortably lay their eggs.
Through the process, we explain the turtle’s ecology and we also show people the actual scene of nesting in a way that does not distract the mother turtle.



産卵が終わり、海に帰るアオウミガメのお母さん/ A mother green sea turtle, walking back towards the sea after nesting

産卵が終わり、海に帰るアオウミガメのお母さん/ A mother green sea turtle, walking back towards the sea after nesting




I love this patrol, because it provides such “live experience.”

The beach gradually turns dark after sunset.
As your eyes get used to the darkness, you suddenly see a dark, round thing around the edge of the water.
In the daytime, there are only humans here. But in the nighttime, it becomes a nesting ground for sea turtles.
It feels strange. It feels as if the world has suddenly changed after sunset.

You witness a mother turtle, which has grown mature for at least 3~40 years and came all the way back to the Ogasawara from her feeding grounds far far away somewhere in the Pacific just for nesting, dragging her massive body weighting around 100 kilos on the beach.

夜の砂浜は別世界。月明かりが明るい夜は特に幻想的 / The night beach feels like a different realm. The moonlight makes it even more magical

夜の砂浜は別世界。月明かりが明るい夜は特に幻想的 / The night beach feels like a different realm. The moonlight makes it even more magical



A mother turtle is super cautious especially when she starts walking up the beach. A moving light or shadow in front of her could scare her away back into the sea.
If that happens repeatedly, she could end up dropping her eggs in the water, which would obviously lead to death of the eggs.
This is a very clear example of human actions directly affecting the breeding of sea turtles.

There are many beaches where sea turtles nest in the Ogasawara, but Omura Beach is one of the biggest nesting grounds (in terms of numbers of nests).
We conduct this patrol in order to support the nesting of turtles through coexistence with people.

産卵行動中のアオウミガメのお母さん/ Mother green sea turtle nesting

産卵行動中のアオウミガメのお母さん/ Mother green sea turtle nesting



We meet various people during the patrol.
In the patrol, we put tags on turtles for identification.
This requires us to touch, put tags, and take photos of the turtle, so we explain the process to the people beforehand.
One time, after I finished putting tags on a turtle and was looking at her going back to the sea, a lady came running up to me.
” I came to the Ogasawara alone, feeling insecure from work and everything. But I couldn’t find anything fun here too. Then I saw you and was moved by the fact that there is a person like you who is working to support the natural world. Thank you so much.”
It was so rewarding.
I prayed for her happy life.

Another turtle may be walking around tonight, at the night beach.

海から上がってきたアオウミガメのお母さん / A mother green sea turtle walking up the beach

海から上がってきたアオウミガメのお母さん / A mother green sea turtle walking up the beach

トウモロコシの穂/Corn tassel by Tomoaki Hashimoto


Rainy season in Ogasawara has gone and summer seems to have arrived.
With high temperatures and sunshine, my crops are growing well!


Remember the picture of the tiny corn seedling that just came out of the ground?
They have successfully survived the strong wind/rain during the rainy season ad has grown so big now.
And about last week, tassels have developed!

雄小穂が葉っぱの間から出てきた/ The tassel (male inflorescence) has developed

雄小穂が葉っぱの間から出てきた/ The tassel (male inflorescence) has developed



This tassel is the male (staminate) inflorescence of the corn.
Where is the female (pistillate) inflorescence?
Its those hairy fibers you see on each ear of corn.
Each fiber is connected to a grain inside, and when it is pollinated by the pollen from male inflorescence, the grains mature through fertilization.
Nature is so fascinating!


When you hear the name corn, may be especially in Japan, we tend to imagine the sweet corn, tasty and sweet.
But that’s not all the corn that exist in our society.
Corn is used as feed for livestock such as cattle, pigs and poultry.
Massive amount of corn is grown just to produce the meat products that we consume.
I found this website for an organization that discusses issues around livestock farming in Japan and there was an article focused on corn.
It says, Japan is the world’s biggest importer of corn.. Wow.


Anyhow, I am very happy to see my corn growing well.
During the rainy season, some of the stems were bent and knocked down by strong wind… I fixed those stems one by one, mounting soil around them.
Once, I was really into bonsai and I remember one bonsai carer telling me:
“if you take good care of the plant, it will respond to you.”
I think I am starting to understand what he meant.


Tomato and Okra has also been replanted into the soil during June.
Tomato is doing really well.
Okra too, but one of them has been heavily targeted by caterpillars… Just this one!
I believe this particular one tastes good for them.
I hope it can survive!

トマトをポットから地面に植え替えた/ Tomato, replanted on the ground

トマトをポットから地面に植え替えた/ Tomato, replanted on the ground

青虫に殆ど葉っぱを食べられちゃったオクラ/ Okra leaves craved by caterpillars

青虫に殆ど葉っぱを食べられちゃったオクラ/ Okra leaves craved by caterpillars



I’ll keep taking good care of my little farm under the strong, summer sunlight of Ogasawara.

Dear my friends by Tomoaki Hashimoto


Dear my friends I met in Cornwall.
Unfortunately, I cannot make it to the graduation ceremony in July.
I have been looking forward to attend this event so much since last summer…
I sincerely hope you all have a great time at the ceremony.


修士課程(MSc Conservation Science and Policy)を取得できただけでなく、そこでの体験、ライフスタイル、一緒に過ごした人々、その全てが素晴らしかった。

This 1 year I spent in Cornwall from 2017 fall to 2018 summer was just life changing.
Not only I successfully obtained my masters (MSc Conservation Science and Policy), the experiences, life style, and the people I spent that whole time with, were just amazing.


I still remember that day, it was around when 6 months had passed since my uni life started, when I suddenly realized how much my life has changed since 6 months ago.
It was kind of shocking, mixed with excitement and happiness. I was happy to realize that this was real, and not just a dream.

201808 Penryn, Falmouth-30.jpg


There were bad times and uncomfortable moments, of course.
I was so anxious at first in getting used to the new life, meeting new people, and learning new stuff.
I was worried if I would be able to fit in.
But the whole experience of working through such moments and creating my own space in a completely new environment was just priceless.





Important life lesson I learned was: “get out of your comfort zone”.
All the new experiences opened up new doors within me.

And, I made lifetime friends.

I found a home in Cornwall.
Can’t wait to go back some day.

201808 Penryn, Falmouth-13.jpg

畑しごと/Out in the farm by Tomoaki Hashimoto



Its been 3 months since I moved to Chichijima Island.
I’ve settled here nicely and still discovering new things about the island every day.

My favorite activity recently has been farming.
My house owner has a farm and out of my interest to farming, I started helping their farm work time to time.
In April, I harvested (in hundreds!) their beautifully grown potatoes.
It was a lot of work but it felt great being outside, feeling the soil on my hands on sunny days.
The house owner shared some potatoes to me and they were so delicious.

掘りたてのジャガイモ / Freshly harvested potatoes

掘りたてのジャガイモ / Freshly harvested potatoes



The house owner kindly offered me to use a part of their farm land to grow something. So I started!
Tomato, okra, and corn. I bought the seeds at the farm association’s shop. (I also bought coriander seeds and they are growing well in my little balcony.)

I started growing tomato and okra from small pots.
A month after germination, they have grown tall, so today, I have re-planted them on the ground.

左側の茎がふさふさしているのがトマト、右側の大きな葉っぱがあるのがオクラ/ Tomato, with hairy stems, on the left and okra, with large leaves, on the right

左側の茎がふさふさしているのがトマト、右側の大きな葉っぱがあるのがオクラ/ Tomato, with hairy stems, on the left and okra, with large leaves, on the right


The corn seeds went straight to the ground. I was happy to see them germinate!

殺菌済の証であるピンク色に着色された種 / The pink color is the proof that the seeds were sterilized

殺菌済の証であるピンク色に着色された種 / The pink color is the proof that the seeds were sterilized

芽が出た~ / The corn has germinated!

芽が出た~ / The corn has germinated!


自分が食べているものがどこからきたのか(また、何を含んでいるのかさえ)わからない。農業が自然環境に悪影響を与える?成果物(アウトプット、利益)だけを追求するビジネスモデル。そもそも十分に食べれない人が世の中に8億人いる(https://www1.wfp.org/zero-hunger )。そんな中、先進国で日々捨てられる食物(食品ロス)。

そしてそれは政治、経済、歴史、文化、環境など、すべてにリンクする(現在我々が直面する大きな問題は大体全てにリンクする→https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007ZZ95G8/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 )。


For fertilization, I bought cow manure. Nothing else.
I will try to go visit the farm as frequently as possible to water and see how the plants are doing.
I've started making compost out of my household waste, which I hope I can use to fertilize my farm in the future.
There are so much tips and methods shared on the internet on how to grow crops successfully, but I won’t try to do it perfect for the first time. I want to just try and learn from this whole experience.
I will share how my veggies are doing time to time.

My strong interest toward agriculture has grown since I studied conservation last year for my masters.
We often do not know where our food comes from (and even what is included in it). Is farming bad for the environment? Business models that focus solely on outcome and profit. 8 hundred million people suffer hunger (https://www1.wfp.org/zero-hunger ), while there are so much food wasted in the developed countries.

There are so many issues around food right now.
And they link to wide array of disciplines like politics, economics, history, culture, environment, etc. (Modern-day “wicked problems” all tend to link to these wide array of disciplines→https://www.amazon.com/Tackling-Wicked-Problems-Transdisciplinary-Imagination/dp/B00A4IZ51M)

How can we change the way we interact with food, at an individual level?
I will be looking after my tomato, okra, and corn while thinking about this issue, now that very fortunately, I am living in an environment where I can do my own farming.